Home-School Forum
At 3.30 P.M. on 19th November, at Anqing Foreign Language School’s warm Lecture Hall of the east campus, nearly 700 parents from the east and west campuses gathered together to attend the fifth lecture of Anqing Foreign Language School’s ‘Home-School Forum’.
First of all, the home-school forum is a bridge between family and school as well as a platform connecting school education with home education. Since it was held, the forum has been well received by the majority of parents. Previously it was successfully held four times. This fifth session was chaired by Anqing Foreign Language School’s Vice Principal Liu Bing. More noticeably, Anqing Foreign Language School’s President Madam Huang Wenli personally presided over the forum and listened to the lecture from beginning to end.
Second of all, the theme of Vice President Liu Bing’s lecture was ‘Untie Thousands of Knots and Look to the Future’. Initially the lecture analyzed the situation and characteristics of current education. Afterwards, in accordance with his own educational concept and concrete practice, Vice Principal Liu Bing shared and exchanged with parents the philosophy and methods of family education. Furthermore, Vice Principal Liu Bing introduced Anqing Foreign Language School’s details management, put forward some requirements for parents and hoped home-school education would jointly promote children’s healthy and happy growth.
In a nutshell, the majority of parents positively participated in this seminar, listened attentively at the assembly room and earnestly kept records, which showcased that parents from Anqing Foreign Language School paid high attention to children’s education and were willing to learn. Therefore, the home-school collaboration shall go forward hand in hand to make education more beautiful and make our children more successful!













